Program(s) of Study and Training
A program that prepares individuals to supervise and monitor customer service performance and manage frontline customer support services, call centers/help desks, and customer relations. Includes instruction in customer behavior, specialized information technology and systems management, developing and using customer service databases, user surveys and other feedback mechanisms, strategic and performance planning and analysis, operations management, personnel supervision, and communications and marketing skills.
A program that prepares individuals to manage the specialized business functions of a medical or clinical office. Includes instruction in business office operations, business and financial record-keeping, personnel supervision, medical and health care policy administration, conference planning, scheduling and coordination, public relations, and applicable law and regulations.
A program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of physicians, nurses, or other health care professionals, to perform medical office or facilities management services and perform one or more clinical allied health specialties. Includes instruction in health care management; medical office administration; medical law and regulations; training in one or more diagnostic, treatment, therapy, or laboratory specialties at the assistant level or above; and applicable professional standards and ethics.
A program that prepares individuals to supervise and manage the operations and personnel of business offices and management-level divisions. Includes instruction in employee supervision, management, and labor relations; budgeting; scheduling and coordination; office systems operation and maintenance; office records management, organization, and security; office facilities design and space management; preparation and evaluation of business management data; and public relations.
A program that prepares individuals to manage the specialized business functions of a veterinary office. Includes instruction in business office operations, business and financial record-keeping, personnel supervision, veterinary care policy administration, conference planning, scheduling and coordination, public relations, and applicable law and regulations.