Program(s) of Study and Training
A program that focuses on the scientific application of pharmacology, pharmaceutics, and industrial management to the development, production, marketing, and distribution of pharmaceutical products. Includes instruction in industrial microbiology, plasmids, expression vectors, protein chemistry, assay and evaluation, drug synthesis and purification, quality control, industrial management, production security, patent procedures, intellectual property regulations and issues, patent enforcement and defense, and research design and testing.
A program that prepares individuals to deliver specialized pharmacy services and produce pharmaceutical products in clinical settings in conjunction with other health care professionals. Includes instruction in biostatistics; clinical pharmacokinetics; biopharmaceutics; neuropharmacology; pharmacodynamics; drug metabolism; clinical sampling and research design; drug delivery systems; chemotherapy; pharmacotherapy; clinical pharmacy management; medical and research ethics; and applications to nuclear, nutrition support, oncology, psychiatric, and therapeutic pharmacy.
A program that focuses on the application of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy to the study of pharmaceuticals production and distribution, and prepares individuals to manage pharmaceutical industry operations. Includes instruction in pharmacoeconomics, industrial management, operations management, preformulation evaluation, product formulation/reformulation, drug product development, stability testing, dosage design, pilot scale-up, drug marketing, quality control, drug information, and legal and regulatory affairs.
A program that focuses on the application of chemistry to the study of biologically and clinically active substances, biological and pharmacological interactions, and the development of associated research methods, techniques, and clinical trial procedures. Includes instruction in organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular graphics, rational drug design, toxicology, molecular biology, pharmacology, enzyme mechanisms, receptor theory, neurochemistry, drug metabolism, drug synthesis, biological mechanisms of drug action, research tools and techniques, and laboratory safety.
A program that focuses on the scientific study of biologically active compounds found in naturally occurring sources such as plants, animals, and microbes and their use and/or modification as medicinal substances. Includes instruction in medicinal chemistry, organic medicinals, pharmacological therapeutics, pharmacokinetics, molecular biology, structural chemistry, enzymes, nucleic acids, economic botany, ethnobotany, bioprospecting, bioassay, compound identification and isolation, mass spectrometry, and analytical instrumentation and techniques.
A program that combines the study of basic and pharmaceutical sciences with marketing and management studies; and that prepares individuals for careers in pharmaceutical sales, marketing, management, and related fields within the health care industry. Includes instruction in biology, chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, health care systems, issues and structure of pharmaceutical industry, management, pharmaceutical marketing, pharmaceutical and medical product management, and legal issues.
A program that focuses on the basic sciences that underlie drugs and drug therapy and that prepares individuals for further study and/or careers in pharmaceutical science and research, pharmaceutical administration and sales, biotechnology, drug manufacturing, regulatory affairs, and related fields. Includes instruction in mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, statistics, pharmaceutics, pharmacology and toxicology, dosage formulation, manufacturing, quality assurance, and regulations.
A program that focuses on the scientific study of the formulation of medicinal substances into product vehicles capable of being stored, transported, and then introduced into the patient and behaving in ways optimal to therapeutic interaction. Includes instruction in statistics, biopharmaceutics, drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, physical pharmacy, pharmacological analysis, drug design and development, pharmacological biotechnology, chemical separations, spectroscopy, drug-host interactions, immunology, quantitative drug measurement, enzymatic transformations, and metabolic excretion.
A program that focuses on the application of economics and policy analysis to the study of the relationship of pharmacy services and pharmaceutical processes and products to the health care system and their impact on health care organizations. Includes instruction in health economics, pharmacoeconomics, health care systems, health care organization and management, statistics and biostatistics, outcomes research, health care policy, pharmacy services, and pharmaceutical industry operations.
A program that prepares individuals for the independent or employed practice of preparing and dispensing drugs and medications in consultation with prescribing physicians and other health care professionals, and for managing pharmacy practices and counseling patients. Includes instruction in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacy practice, pharmacy administration, applicable regulations, and professional standards and ethics.
A program that prepares individuals to apply managerial, social, and economic sciences to the study and management of the distribution and use of pharmaceutical products and the provision of pharmacy services. Includes instruction in research design and methods, statistics, social and organizational behavior, pharmacoeconomics, management of pharmacy services, outcomes research, product planning and reimbursement, cost-benefit analysis, drug marketing, pharmacy and pharmaceutics law and regulation, risk assessment, and organization of the health care system.
Any instructional program in pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, and administration not listed above.
Dispense drugs prescribed by physicians and other health practitioners and provide information to patients about medications and their use. May advise physicians and other health practitioners on the selection, dosage, interactions, and side effects of me