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Occupational Supply Demand
Unit of Analysis
5149A All Other Therapy
Program(s) of Study and Training

A program that prepares health and human service professionals to integrate the use of animals into their treatment practices in order to facilitate change in people with mental and physical disabilities. Includes instruction in psychology, psychology of disabilities, animal behavior, animal training, the human-animal bond, integration of animals into therapeutic settings, and ethical and cultural issues.

A program that prepares individuals to provide therapeutic care through the preparation and application of extracted essential oils from plants, including flowers (botanicals), roots, berries, and bark. Includes instruction in aromatherapy history and theory, basic physiology of absorption, aromachemistry, organic chemistry, botanical taxonomy, carrier oils, essential oils, extraction methods, blending techniques, application methods, safety, client consultation and treatment planning, business management, professional standards and ethics, and applicable regulations.

A program that prepares individuals, in consultation with other rehabilitation team members or in private practice, to use drawing and other art media forms to assess, treat, and rehabilitate individuals with mental, emotional, developmental, or physical disorders. Includes instruction in art, history and theory of art therapy, art therapeutic techniques, psychopathology, patient assessment and diagnosis, cultural diversity issues, legal and ethical practice issues, and professional standards and regulations.

A program that focuses on the design, implementation, and management of programs that use the visual and performing arts in support of health and wellness among diverse individuals and communities. Includes instruction in dance, literary arts, music, theatre, healthcare systems, program administration, and public health.

A program that prepares individuals, in consultation with other rehabilitation team members or in private practice, to use the therapeutic application of creative dance movement to assist in promoting client rehabilitation and physical, emotional, and mental health. Includes instruction in neuroanatomy, personality development, movement and motor behavior, psychology, dance, creative expression modalities, improvisation, group psychology and leadership, client evaluation and supervision, dance therapy practice, and professional standards and ethics.

Any instructional program in alternative, complementary, and somatic health and therapeutic services not listed above (bioenergetics, cranio-sacral therapy, Therapeutic Touch, Qi Gong, and others).

A program that prepares individuals to utilize the materia medica and clinical practices of Western, Native American, African, Australasian, and other herbal medicine traditions to prevent and cure illness and temporary physical disorders. Includes instruction in basic anatomy, physiology, pathology, and toxicology; nutrition; terminology and materia medica; therapeutic herbalism; herbal pharmacy; botanicals and ethnobotany; wildcrafting and harvesting; labeling and dispensing phytotherapy; counterindications; practice management; consultation skills; and professional standards and ethics.

A program that prepares individuals to employ the controlled inducement of altered states of consciousness, or trance, to reduce pain, resolve emotional conflicts, and enhance communications as part of diagnostic and treatment programs. Includes instruction in the principles of hypnosis and suggestion, induction and deepening, post-hypnotic suggestion, awakening techniques, regression, pacing and leading, resistance transformation, client testing and management, practice management and regulation, and professional standards and ethics.

Any instructional program in movement and mind-body therapies not listed above.

A program that prepares individuals to use functional and expressive integration strategies to help promote somatic awareness and optimal psychophysical functioning. Includes instruction in skilled touch techniques, kinesthetic awareness processes, movement observation, patterning, client assessment and guidance, verbal and nonverbal communication, practice management, professional standards and ethics, and specific therapeutic and educational modalities

A program that prepares individuals, in association with a rehabilitation team or in private practice, to use music in therapeutic relationships to address the physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional, and social needs of clients. Includes instruction in music theory and performance, human growth and development, biomedical sciences, abnormal psychology, disabling conditions, patient assessment and diagnosis, treatment plan development and implementation, clinical evaluation, record-keeping, and professional standards and ethics.

A program that prepares individuals to be a Registered Play Therapist (RPT) or a School Based-Registered Play Therapist (SB-RPT). Includes instruction in child development, theories of personality, psychotherapy, child and adolescent psychopathology, and ethics.

A program that prepares individuals to promote health and well-being through application of the integrative therapeutic system based on the Human Energy Field theory developed by Randolph Stone. Includes instruction in polarity theory and principles, energy-based and orthodox anatomy and physiology, polarity processing, polarity bodywork, polarity yoga, energetic nutrition, energetic evaluation and assessment, client communication, practice management, and professional standards and ethics.

A program that prepares individuals for admission to a professional art therapy program.

Any instructional program in rehabilitation and therapeutic professions not listed above.

A program that focuses on human function, disability, and rehabilitation from the perspectives of the health sciences, social sciences, psychology, engineering, and related fields. Includes instruction in psychological, social, and cultural aspects of disability and rehabilitation; sensory and motor function and dysfunction; biomechanics and kinesiology; assistive technology; rehabilitation instrumentation and methodology; statistics; and health and rehabilitation policy.

A program that prepares individuals to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual balance and healing through the manipulation of the body's energy field to increase healing energy. Includes instruction in the history and philosophy of Usui Reiki, attunement, empowerment, self-treatment, direct and distance healing techniques, healing symbols, aura clearing, Reiki meditation, practice management, and related Reiki systems such as Lightarian, Urevia, and Magnified Healing.

A program that prepares individuals to function as professional instructors in the spiritual and physical therapy of Yoga in private, institutional, and clinical settings. Includes instruction in the principles of Ayurveda, philosophy of Yoga, warm-up and progressive exercises, breathing exercises, meditation, Yamas and Niyamas, instructional techniques, posture adjustment, student/client counseling and assessment, advanced Yoga disciplines and styles, business practices, and professional standards and ethics.


All therapists not listed separately.