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Occupational Supply Demand
Unit of Analysis
5018B Miscellaneous Arts Programs
Program(s) of Study and Training

Any instructional program in film/video and photographic arts not listed above.

A program that focuses on the study of the historical evolution of music as a social and intellectual phenomenon, the development of musical instruments and techniques, and the analysis and criticism of musical literature. Includes instruction in music history research methods, aesthetic analysis of musical compositions, history of musical writing and notation, the development of musical instruments, the development of music theory, and the study of specific periods, cultural traditions, styles, and themes.

A program that focuses on the study of the history, literature, theory, and analysis of written plays, theatrical productions, and theatre methods and organization. Includes instruction in historical method; critical theory; literary analysis; the study of themes and archetypes in dramatic literature; the history of acting, directing, and technical theatre; and the study of specific historical and cultural styles and traditions.

A general, undifferentiated program that focuses on the visual and performing arts and that may prepare individuals in any of the visual artistic media or performing disciplines.

Any instructional program in visual and performing arts not listed above.


Teach courses in drama, music, and the arts including fine and applied art, such as painting and sculpture, or design and crafts. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.