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Occupational Supply Demand
Unit of Analysis
4817B Woodworking
Program(s) of Study and Training

A program that prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to set up, operate and repair industrial woodworking machinery, and to use such machinery to design and fabricate wooden components and complete articles.

A program that prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to prepare and execute furniture design projects, assemble and finish furniture articles or subassemblies, repair furniture, and use a variety of hand and power tools.

A program that prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to construct and repair traditional and modern wooden boats. Includes instruction in budgeting, drafting, fairing, lofting, joinery, planking, spars and rigging, and woodworking.

A program that generally prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to lay out and shape stock; assemble wooden articles or subassemblies; mark, bind, saw, carve, and sand wooden products; repair wooden articles, and use a variety of hand and power tools.

Any instructional program in woodworking not listed above.


Cut, shape, and assemble wooden articles or set up and operate a variety of woodworking machines, such as power saws, jointers, and mortisers to surface, cut, or shape lumber or to fabricate parts for wood products. Excludes “Woodworking Machine Setters,

Shape, finish, and refinish damaged, worn, or used furniture or new high-grade furniture to specified color or finish.

Construct full-size and scale wooden precision models of products. Includes wood jig builders and loft workers.

Plan, lay out, and construct wooden unit or sectional patterns used in forming sand molds for castings.

Set up, operate, or tend wood sawing machines. May operate computer numerically controlled (CNC) equipment. Includes lead sawyers. Workers who primarily program or operate CNC equipment are classified in “Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Operators and

All woodworkers not listed separately.

Set up, operate, or tend woodworking machines, such as drill presses, lathes, shapers, routers, sanders, planers, and wood nailing machines. May operate computer numerically controlled (CNC) equipment. Workers who primarily program or operate CNC equipmen