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Occupational Supply Demand
Unit of Analysis
4513A Economics
Program(s) of Study and Training

A program that focuses on the application of economics to the analysis of resource allocation, productivity, investment, and trends in the agricultural sector, both domestically and internationally. Includes instruction in economics and related subfields as well as applicable agricultural fields.

A program that focuses on the application of economic principles and analytical techniques to the study of particular industries, activities, or the exploitation of particular resources. Includes instruction in economic theory; microeconomic analysis and modeling of specific industries, commodities; the economic consequences of resource allocation decisions; regulatory and consumer factors; and the technical aspects of specific subjects as they relate to economic analysis.

A program that focuses on the application of economics principles to the analysis of the organization and operation of business enterprises. Includes instruction in monetary theory, banking and financial systems, theory of competition, pricing theory, wage and salary/incentive theory, analysis of markets, and applications of econometrics and quantitative methods to the study of particular businesses and business problems.

A program that focuses on the systematic study of the economic development process and its application to the problems of specific countries and regions. Includes instruction in economic development theory, industrialization, land reform, infrastructural development, investment policy, the role of governments and business in development, international development organizations, and the study of social, health, and environmental influences on economic development.

A program that focuses on the systematic study of mathematical and statistical analysis of economic phenomena and problems. Includes instruction in economic statistics, optimization theory, cost/benefit analysis, price theory, economic modeling, and economic forecasting and evaluation.

A program of study that focuses on the theoretical and practical connections between computer science and economics. Includes instruction in data analysis, database design, data mining, computer algorithms, economics, econometrics, computer programing, mathematics, and statistics.

A program with a general synthesis of economics and the language and literature of one or more countries or regions or a specialization which draws from economics and the language and literature of one or more countries or regions. Includes instruction in comparative economic systems, econometrics, economic theory, money and banking systems, international economics, international trade, linguistics, philology, and translation.

A general program that focuses on the systematic study of the production, conservation and allocation of resources in conditions of scarcity, together with the organizational frameworks related to these processes. Includes instruction in economic theory, micro- and macroeconomics, comparative economic systems, money and banking systems, international economics, quantitative analytical methods, and applications to specific industries and public policy issues.

Any instructional program in economics not listed above.

A program that focuses on the application of economic concepts and methods to the analysis of issues such as air and water pollution, land use planning, waste disposal, invasive species and pest control, conservation policies, and related environmental problems. Includes instruction in cost-benefit analysis, environmental impact assessment, evaluation and assessment of alternative resource management strategies, policy evaluation and monitoring, and descriptive and analytic tools for studying how environmental developments affect the economic system.

A program that focuses on the systematic study and analysis of international commercial behavior and trade policy. Includes instruction in international trade theory, tariffs and quotas, commercial policy, trade factor flows, international finance and investment, currency regulation and trade exchange rates and markets, international trade negotiation, and international payments and accounting policy.

A program that focuses on the application of mathematical methods to the development of economic theory, models, and quantitative analysis. Includes instruction in data analysis, applied business economics, calculus, econometrics, linear algebra, microeconomic theory, probability, and statistical methods.


Teach courses in economics. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

Conduct research, prepare reports, or formulate plans to address economic problems related to the production and distribution of goods and services or monetary and fiscal policy. May collect and process economic and statistical data using sampling techniq