Program(s) of Study and Training
A program focusing on the application of the incident command system model to formulating and implementing effective response to natural and man-made disasters. Includes instruction in contingency planning, hazard and risk assessment, joint operations, law and ethics, emergency response and recovery, event mitigation, emergency rescue and medical operations, incident command, terrorism and national security issues, law enforcement, relief administration, volunteer and citizen coordination, public relations and applications to specific types of incidents.
A program focusing on the design, planning and management of systems and procedures for protecting critical national physical and cyber infrastructure from external threats, including terrorism. Includes instruction in homeland security policy, critical infrastructure policy, information security, matrix vulnerability assessment, threat assessment, physical security, personnel security, operational security, contingency planning, case analyses of specific industries and systems, redundancy planning, emergency and disaster planning, security systems, and intelligence operations.
A program focusing on security policy, planning and operations dedicated to the protection of U.S. territory, assets, infrastructure, institutions and citizens from external threats. Includes instruction in national security policy, government relations, intelligence, law enforcement, security technology, communications and information technology, homeland security planning and operations, disaster planning and applications to specific threat scenarios.
Any instructional program in homeland security not listed above.
A program focusing on the principles and techniques of providing physical security protection to clients in various environments and situations. Includes instruction in security intelligence and information resources, operations planning and surveying, operations security, weapons and explosives, defense and offense techniques, security and surveillance systems, communications systems, perimeter and access control, weapons of mass destruction, contingency planning, crowd control, cover and evacuation, combat and vehicle techniques, and applicable legal and administrative responsibilities.
A program focusing on the study of terrorism as a global and national threat and the methods for analyzing and countering it. Includes instruction in psychology, cultural studies, terrorist history and organization, terrorist capabilities, terrorist finance and international money-laundering, threat assessment, intelligence operations, incident command systems, border security, emergency response, joint operations, surveillance and communications systems, cyberterrorism, weapons of mass destruction, counterterrorist operations, and applications to specific terrorist organizations and threats.
Plan and direct disaster response or crisis management activities, provide disaster preparedness training, and prepare emergency plans and procedures for natural (e.g., hurricanes, floods, earthquakes), wartime, or technological (e.g., nuclear power plant