Program(s) of Study and Training
A program that focuses on the scientific study of sound, and the properties and behavior of acoustic wave phenomena under different conditions. Includes instruction in wave theory, the acoustic wave equation, energy transformation, vibration phenomena, sound reflection and transmission, scattering and surface wave phenomena, singularity expansion theory, ducting, and applications to specific research problems such as underwater acoustics, crystallography, and health diagnostics.
A general program that focuses on the planetary, galactic, and stellar phenomena occurring in outer space. Includes instruction in celestial mechanics, cosmology, stellar physics, galactic evolution, quasars, stellar distribution and motion, interstellar medium, atomic and molecular constituents of astronomical phenomena, planetary science, solar system evolution, and specific methodologies such as optical astronomy, radioastronomy, and theoretical astronomy.
Any instructional program in astronomy and astrophysics not listed above.
A program that focuses on the theoretical and observational study of the structure, properties, and behavior of stars, star systems and clusters, stellar life cycles, and related phenomena. Includes instruction in cosmology, plasma kinetics, stellar physics, convolution and non-equilibrium radiation transfer theory, non-Euclidean geometries, mathematical modeling, galactic structure theory, and relativistic astronomy.
A program that focuses on the scientific study of the behavior of matter-energy phenomena at the level of atoms and molecules. Includes instruction in chemical physics, atomic forces and structure, molecular orbital theory, magnetic resonance, molecular bonding, phase equilibria, quantum theory of solids, and applications to the study of specific elements and higher compounds.
A program that focuses on the scientific study of macroscopic physical phenomena and properties that arise from basic microscopic interactions. Includes instruction in low-temperature and solid-state physics, x-ray physics, liquids and soft materials, including the study of semiconductors, metals, superliquids, magnets, superconductors, glasses, gels, polymers, colloids, neural networks, and macromolecules.
A program that focuses on the scientific study of the basic constituents of sub-atomic matter and energy, and the forces governing fundamental processes. Includes instruction in quantum theory, field theory, single-particle systems, perturbation and scattering theory, matter-radiation interaction, symmetry, quarks, capture, Schroedinger mechanics, methods for detecting particle emission and absorption, and research equipment operation and maintenance.
A program that focuses on the application of physics, nuclear science, and engineering physics to diagnostic, treatment, and therapeutic processes and public health protection. Includes instruction in radiation biophysics, biophysics, health effects of natural and artificially induced radiation, hazard evaluation, environmental radioactivity, nuclear physics, engineering physics, radiobiology, medical radiology, calibration and dosage theory, computer applications and medical informatics, and specific research problems.
A program that focuses on the scientific study of the properties and behavior of atomic nuclei. Includes instruction in nuclear reaction theory, quantum mechanics, energy conservation, nuclear fission and fusion, strong and weak forces, nuclear modeling, nuclear decay, nucleon scattering, pairing, photon and electron reactions, the physics of nuclear effects, statistical methods, and research equipment operation and maintenance.
A program that focuses on the scientific study of light energy, including its structure, properties and behavior under different conditions. Includes instruction in wave theory, wave mechanics, electromagnetic theory, physical optics, geometric optics, quantum theory of light, photon detecting, laser theory, wall and beam properties, chaotic light, non-linear optics, harmonic generation, optical systems theory, and applications to engineering problems.
A program that focuses on the scientific study of the theories that explain the fundamental structure of our world and the universe and which draws from physics and astronomy. Includes instruction in astronomy, calculus, cosmology, differential equations, electricity, magnetism, data analysis, physics, quantum mechanics, space science, spectroscopy, and thermal physics.
A general program that focuses on the scientific study of matter and energy, and the formulation and testing of the laws governing the behavior of the matter-energy continuum. Includes instruction in classical and modern physics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, mechanics, wave properties, nuclear processes, relativity and quantum theory, quantitative methods, and laboratory methods.
Any instructional program in physics not listed above.
A program that focuses on the scientific study of planets, small objects, and related gravitational systems. Includes instruction in the structure and composition of planetary surfaces and interiors, planetary atmospheres, satellites, orbital mechanics, asteroids and comets, solar system evolution and dynamics, planetary evolution, gravitational physics, and radiation physics.
A program that focuses on the scientific study of properties and behavior of matter at high temperatures, such that molecular and atomic structures are in a disassociated ionic or electronic state. Includes instruction in magnetohydrodynamics, free electron phenomena, fusion theory, electromagnetic fields and dynamics, plasma and non-linear wave theory, instability theory, plasma shock phenomena, quantitative modeling, and research equipment operation and maintenance.
A program that focuses on the scientific and mathematical formulation and evaluation of the physical laws governing, and models describing, matter-energy phenomena, and the analysis of related experimental designs and results. Includes instruction in classical and quantum theory, relativity theory, field theory, mathematics of infinite series, vector and coordinate analysis, wave and particle theory, advanced applied calculus and geometry, analyses of continuum, cosmology, and statistical theory and analysis.
Observe, research, and interpret astronomical phenomena to increase basic knowledge or apply such information to practical problems.
Conduct research into physical phenomena, develop theories on the basis of observation and experiments, and devise methods to apply physical laws and theories. Excludes “Biochemists and Biophysicists” (19-1021).
Teach courses pertaining to the laws of matter and energy. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.