Program(s) of Study and Training
A program that prepares individuals to teach adult students in various settings, including basic and remedial education programs, continuing education programs, and programs designed to develop or upgrade specific employment-related knowledge and skills.
A program that prepares individuals to serve as instructors and mentors for adults in basic or functional literacy programs in school, institutional, community, and private settings.
Any instructional program in bilingual, multilingual, and multicultural Education not listed above.
A comprehensive transition and postsecondary (CTP) program that provides students with intellectual disabilities with academic enrichment, socialization, independent living skills, self-advocacy skills, and integrated work experiences and career skills that lead to gainful employment.
A program that focuses on the development of proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking English for those for whom English is not their mother tongue. Includes instruction in the use of basic communication skills to develop and transmit ideas and thoughts in English as well as specialized programs that focus on the development of proficiency in English sufficient to meet specific occupational or academic demands. Note: These programs are for academic credit towards a postsecondary credential. For second language programs that are not for academic credit towards a postsecondary credential, see 32.0109.
A program that focuses on the design, and implementation of instructional and advising services for culturally diverse learning populations. Includes instruction in cultural diversity, at-risk populations, multilingual and ESL education, program and curriculum design, instructional technology, information resources, LEP and minority education strategies, counseling and communicating with multicultural populations, law and regulations, and applications to specific cultural groups, educational services, and research issues.