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Occupational Supply Demand
Unit of Analysis
0911B Communications, Journalism and Broadcasting
Program(s) of Study and Training

A program that prepares individuals to apply journalistic, communication, and broadcasting principles to the development, production, and transmittal of agricultural information. Includes instruction in basic journalism, broadcasting, film/video, and communication techniques; the production of technically specialized information products for agricultural audiences; and the principles of agricultural sciences and business operations needed to develop and communicate agricultural subject matter in effective ways.

A program that focuses on the methods and techniques for reporting, producing, and delivering news and news programs via radio, television, and video/film media; and that prepares individuals to be professional broadcast journalists, editors, producers, directors, and managers. Includes instruction in the principles of broadcast technology; broadcast reporting; on- and off-camera and microphone procedures and techniques; program, sound, and video/film editing; program design and production; media law and policy; and professional standards and ethics.

A program of study that prepares students to gather, analyze, and synthesize verbal and visual information to communicate stories related to business and economics across multiple media platforms. Includes instruction in accounting, business, business and economic reporting, business law, economics, finance, financial accounting and reporting, ethics, journalistic research methods and resources, and journalism skills and techniques.

A program that prepares individuals to function in an organization as a composer, editor, and proofreader of business or business-related communications.

Any program in business or corporate communications not included above.

Any instructional program in communication and media studies not listed above.

A program that focuses on the critical thinking, analysis, and practical skills essential to developing and implementing communication strategies that advance organizations goals and missions. Includes instruction in communication management, crisis communication, communications law, digital and traditional marketing strategies, media relations, social media strategies, strategic communication, traditional and emerging media, and writing for the media.

A program that focuses on the comprehensive study of communication, and that spans the study of mass communication/media studies, old and new media technologies, social and political applications, and speech communication and rhetoric. Includes instruction in interpersonal, group, organizational, and intercultural communication; theories of communication; critical thinking, argumentation, and persuasion; written communication; printed, electronic, and digital media; rhetorical tradition and criticism; media, society, and culture; consequences and effects of mass media; media social science and criticism; and quantitative and qualitative methods of inquiry.

Any instructional program in communication, journalism, and related fields not listed above.

A program that focuses on the process and techniques of original composition in various literary forms such as the short story, poetry, the novel, and others. Includes instruction in technical and editorial skills, criticism, and the marketing of finished manuscripts.

A program of study that prepares individuals to be journalists who critically examine current culture as expressed through the visual and performing arts, design, film, music, radio, television, dance, theater, and written text. Includes instruction in arts criticism, art and entertainment reporting, cultural critique, investigative reporting, newspaper reporting, photojournalism, and writing.

A program that focuses on the development, use, critical evaluation, and regulation of new electronic communication technologies using computer applications; and that prepares individuals to function as developers and managers of digital communications media. Includes instruction in computer and telecommunications technologies and processes; design and development of digital communications; marketing and distribution; digital communications regulation, law, and policy; the study of human interaction with, and use of, digital media; and emerging trends and issues.

A program that focuses on communication of human sciences subject matter and related consumer information to a variety of audiences through print and non-print media.

A program that focuses on the specialized knowledge and skills needed for effective communication in the international community and among people of different cultures; and that prepares individuals to function at the national and international levels as journalists, public relations specialists, travel industry representatives, intercultural trainers, and/or foreign service officers. Includes instruction in journalism, communications, intercultural and international relations, marketing and public relations, and global communications policy.

A program that focuses on the theory and practice of gathering, processing, and delivering news and that prepares individuals to be professional print journalists, news editors, and news managers. Includes instruction in news writing and editing; reporting; photojournalism; layout and graphic design; journalism law and policy; professional standards and ethics; research methods; and journalism history and criticism.

Any instructional program in journalism not listed above.

A program that focuses on the analysis and criticism of media institutions and media texts, how people experience and understand media content, and the roles of media in producing and transforming culture. Includes instruction in communications regulation, law, and policy; media history; media aesthetics, interpretation, and criticism; the social and cultural effects of mass media; cultural studies; the economics of media industries; visual and media literacy; and the psychology and behavioral aspects of media messages, interpretation, and utilization.

A program that focuses on the use of still and motion photography in journalism and prepares individuals to function as news photographers and photographic editors. Includes instruction in photography, journalism, studio procedures and techniques, camera and equipment operation and technique, news editing, print and film editing, news scene composition, subject surveillance, media law and policy, news team field operations, and professional standards and ethics.

A program that focuses on human and media communication in the political process and that prepares individuals to function as members of political and public affairs organizations, political campaign staffs, and related government and media entities. Includes instruction in media effects, political speaking and debating, political advertising and marketing, image management, political journalism, opinion polling, and aspects of print and broadcast media related to the production and distribution of media messages in political settings.

A program that focuses on professional, technical, business, and scientific writing; and that prepares individuals for academic positions or for professional careers as writers, editors, researchers, and related careers in business, government, non-profits, and the professions. Includes instruction in theories of rhetoric, writing, and digital literacy; document design, production, and management; visual rhetoric and multimedia composition; documentation development; usability testing; web writing; and publishing in print and electronic media.

A program that focuses on the process of managing the creation, publication, and distribution of print and electronic books and other text products and prepares individuals to manage the editorial, technical, and business aspects of publishing operations. Includes instruction in product planning and design, editing, author relations, business and copyright law, publishing industry operations, contracting and purchasing, product marketing, electronic publishing and commerce, history of publishing, and professional standards and ethics.

A program that focuses on the theories, methods, and techniques used to plan, produce, and distribute audio and video programs and messages, and that prepares individuals to function as staff, producers, directors, and managers of radio and television shows and media organizations. Includes instruction in media aesthetics; planning, scheduling, and production; writing and editing; performing and directing; personnel and facilities management; marketing and distribution; media regulations, law, and policy; and principles of broadcast technology.

Any instructional program in radio, television, and digital communications not listed above.

A program that focuses on the humanistic and scientific study of rhetoric, composition, literacy, and language/linguistic theories and their practical and pedagogical applications. Includes instruction in historical and contemporary rhetoric/composition theories; composition and criticism of written, visual, and mixed-media texts; analysis of literacy practices in cultural and cross-cultural contexts; and writing program administration.

Any instructional program in rhetoric and composition/writing studies not listed above.

A program that focuses on reporting on science, health, or environmental policy issues; investigating environmental problems and their causes; and public relations. Includes instruction in communication law, health reporting skills, interactive journalism, integrated marketing communication, journalism methods, media ethics, persuasion and political communication, science, health and the environment, social marketing, and video journalism.

A program that focuses on the scientific, humanistic, and critical study of human communication in a variety of formats, media, and contexts. Includes instruction in the theory and practice of interpersonal, group, organizational, professional, and intercultural communication; speaking and listening; verbal and nonverbal interaction; rhetorical theory and criticism; performance studies; argumentation and persuasion; technologically mediated communication; popular culture; and various contextual applications.

A program that focuses on the methods and techniques for communicating about sports in a variety of formats, media, and contexts; and that prepares individuals to be sports reporters and writers, photojournalists, radio and television announcers, producers and directors, recreational sports promoters, and public relations specialists. Includes instruction in sports writing, photography, broadcast journalism, sports production, game rules, media and public relations, and sports promotion.

A program that focuses on the communication of technical and scientific knowledge to a variety of audiences through print, video, and digital media; and that prepares individuals to function as technical writers and editors, documentation developers, web designers, and usability specialists. Includes instruction in scientific and technical writing and editing, graphic and information design, web design, audience analysis, document usability and field testing, publications management, and applications to specific technical fields.

A program that focuses on writing for applied and liberal arts purposes. Includes instruction in writing and document design in multiple genres, modes, and media; writing technologies; research, evaluation, and use of information; editing and publishing; theories and processes of composing; rhetorical theories, traditions, and analysis; communication across audiences, contexts, and cultures; and practical applications for professional, technical, organizational, academic, and public settings.


Speak or read from scripted materials, such as news reports or commercial messages, on radio, television, or other communications media. May play and queue music, announce artist or title of performance, identify station, or interview guests. Excludes “Ne

Teach courses in communications, such as organizational communications, public relations, radio/television broadcasting, and journalism. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

Plan, coordinate, revise, or edit written material. May review proposals and drafts for possible publication.

All media and communication workers not listed separately.

Narrate or write news stories, reviews, or commentary for print, broadcast, or other communications media such as newspapers, magazines, radio, or television. May collect and analyze information through interview, investigation, or observation.

Write technical materials, such as equipment manuals, appendices, or operating and maintenance instructions. May assist in layout work.

Originate and prepare written material, such as scripts, stories, advertisements, and other material. Excludes “News Analysts, Reporters, and Journalists” (27-3023), “Public Relations Specialists” (27-3031), and “Technical Writers” (27-3042).