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Population Profiles and Trends by Race
Population Profile by Race: United States
Race and/or Hispanic or LatinoNumberPercent
   Total population308,745,538100%  
      One race299,736,46597.1%  
         Black or African American38,929,31912.6%  
         American Indian and Alaska Native2,932,2480.9%  
         Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander540,0130.2%  
         Some other race19,107,3686.2%  
      Two or more races9,009,0732.9%  
Hispanic or Latino  
   Total population308,745,538100%  
      Hispanic or Latino (of any race)50,477,59416.3%  
         Puerto Rican4,623,7161.5%  
         Other Hispanic or Latino12,270,0734%  
      Not Hispanic or Latino258,267,94483.7%  
Race and Hispanic or Latino  
   Total population308,745,538100%  
      One race299,736,46597.1%  
         Hispanic or Latino47,435,00215.4%  
         Not Hispanic or Latino252,301,46381.7%  
      Two or more races9,009,0732.9%  
         Hispanic or Latino3,042,5921%  
         Not Hispanic or Latino5,966,4811.9%  
Population Trend by Race: United States
200020102000 to 2010
Race and/or Hispanic or LatinoNumberPercentNumberPercentAbsolute ChangePercent Change
   Total population281,421,906100%  308,745,538100%  27,323,6329.7%     
      One race274,595,67897.6%  299,736,46597.1%  25,140,7879.2%     
         White211,460,62675.1%  223,553,26572.4%  12,092,6395.7%     
         Black or African American34,658,19012.3%  38,929,31912.6%  4,271,12912.3%     
         American Indian and Alaska Native2,475,9560.9%  2,932,2480.9%  456,29218.4%     
         Asian10,242,9983.6%  14,674,2524.8%  4,431,25443.3%     
         Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander398,8350.1%  540,0130.2%  141,17835.4%     
         Some other race15,359,0735.5%  19,107,3686.2%  3,748,29524.4%     
      Two or more races6,826,2282.4%  9,009,0732.9%  2,182,84532.0%     
Hispanic or Latino      
   Total population281,421,906100%  308,745,538100%  27,323,6329.7%     
      Hispanic or Latino (of any race)35,305,81812.5%  50,477,59416.3%  15,171,77643.0%     
         Mexican20,640,7117.3%  31,798,25810.3%  11,157,54754.1%     
         Puerto Rican3,406,1781.2%  4,623,7161.5%  1,217,53835.7%     
         Cuban1,241,6850.4%  1,785,5470.6%  543,86243.8%     
         Other Hispanic or Latino10,017,2443.6%  12,270,0734%  2,252,82922.5%     
      Not Hispanic or Latino246,116,08887.5%  258,267,94483.7%  12,151,8564.9%     
Race and Hispanic or Latino      
   Total population281,421,906100%  308,745,538100%  27,323,6329.7%     
      One race274,595,67897.6%  299,736,46597.1%  25,140,7879.2%     
         Hispanic or Latino33,081,73611.8%  47,435,00215.4%  14,353,26643.4%     
         Not Hispanic or Latino241,513,94285.8%  252,301,46381.7%  10,787,5214.5%     
      Two or more races6,826,2282.4%  9,009,0732.9%  2,182,84532.0%     
         Hispanic or Latino2,224,0820.8%  3,042,5921%  818,51036.8%     
         Not Hispanic or Latino4,602,1461.6%  5,966,4811.9%  1,364,33529.7%     

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 and 2000 Census