The Economic Development and Employer Planning System (EDEPS) offers two principal
planning models as tools with which to guide training investments with indicators
of balances or imbalances (i.e., skill shortages or surpluses) in occupational labor
markets. These training investments address problems of structural unemployment.
(I) The human resource accounting model compares
the projected total annual job openings (due to growth and replacement needs) for
an occupational labor market with the recent output of program completers from related,
structured training programs (of at least 300 class hours) at the sub-baccalaureate
level for states, and at the baccalaureate level and above for the nation. It should
be used primarily to identify occupational labor markets with skill surpluses, not
shortages; because it utilizes only one source of labor supply information, that
is, training completions data. At the national level, the leading example of applications
of the human resource accounting model was the publication by the U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS), entitled
Occupational Projections and Training Data, 2008-2009 Edition.
The EDEPS extends to the states some of the basic concepts of the Occupational Projections
and Training Data publication of BLS, which was the statistical and research
supplement to the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), 2008-2009 Edition.
With regard to the geographic units of analysis under the human resource accounting
model, the higher geographic mobility of baccalaureate and above graduates limits
comparisons of occupational employment projections and training data for BA/BS completers
and above to the geographic unit of analysis of the nation. (With respect to empirical
data about geographic mobility rates by educational level, please see "Graduation
Outcomes" at The Performance Report For Ohio's Colleges And Universities, 2006,
Graduation Outcomes, Ohio Board of Regents. Because of the lower rates of
geographic mobility of Associate Degree and below structured training program completers,
statewide comparisons of total job openings and training program completers can
provide useful labor market insights for sub-baccalaureate units of analysis (i.e.,
occupational labor markets).
With this planning model, the training program investor relies upon the "How to
Become One" section of the occupational profiles in the Occupational Outlook Handbook
(OOH) to help the program planner determine how well the training program completion
data can serve as proxies for supply information. In the case of licensed, sub-baccalaureate
occupations such as licensed practical nurses (LPN's), training completions data
are good proxies for supply information; for the occupation of gardeners and groundskeepers,
graduates from horticultural, structured training programs represent poor proxies
for labor supply information, as explained and documented in the training section
of the OOH profiles for LPN's and gardeners and groundskeepers.
Because the training completions data represent only one source of labor supply,
for many applications of the comparisons of occupational employment projections
and training data, the human resource accounting model is indeterminate. For other
applications, where the training data are good proxies of supply information, the
human resource accounting model provides useful insights about the balances or imbalances
in specific occupational labor markets. Most importantly, there have been instances
with specific occupational labor markets, where the single labor supply source of
structured training completers significantly exceeded the occupational demand estimates
of total job openings, leading to a conclusion of a competitive job market - a conclusion
which additional sources of labor supply resulting from unemployment, net occupational
and geographic mobility, and new entrants into the labor market could only reinforce.
In those instances, the training data become robust indicators of labor surpluses
in an occupational labor market. The inconclusive comparisons of occupational projections
of total job openings and training data are roughly analogous to the inconclusive
areas for Durbin-Watson statistics about serial correlations, with supply/demand
ratios that fall into determinate or indeterminate regions based on the particular
characteristics of individual, occupational labor markets, the dynamics of which
are described in the standardized, occupational profiles of the OOH.
(II) The occupational wage data over time model
analyzes wage data for occupations, and the industries in which occupations are
heavily concentrated as critical labor inputs, over time from the Occupational Employment
Statistics (OES) program, the National Compensation Surveys (NCS), and the Quarterly
Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) for industries. In a competitive labor market,
ceteris paribus, the trends in occupational wages represent a summary of
the results of the actions and reactions of both the supply-side and demand-side
actors in an occupational labor market, encompassing all sources of supply and demand.
The OES wage data come from surveys of employers, stratified to represent all employment
size classes of firms. The NCS occupational wage data come from employers via a
method of sampling called "probability proportional to employment size." As a result,
as described by BLS, "the larger an establishment's employment, the greater its
chance of selection" for the National Compensation Surveys. (Please see the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics web site about the NCS survey methodology.)
For further, detailed information about the differences between the OES and NCS
occupational wage data, please see the "Frequently Asked Questions," question #4 at the BLS site.
With the occupational wage data over time, rapidly rising wages may indicate skill
shortages, where other institutional factors such as unions or professional associations
and credentials or licensing requirements do not artificially restrict labor supply.
Conversely, the absence of significant increases in occupational wages over time
suggests the lack of skill shortages.
Since the OES wage data surveys were designed as cross-sectional surveys, rather
than longitudinal surveys, the review of OES wage data over time requires a cautious
approach. For large employment states, when using the model of occupational wage
data over time to identify likely skill shortages in the labor market, the analyst
looks for cases where both the national and state OES wage data indicate percent
change increases in wages for the same occupation and time period that are significantly
greater than the percent change increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the
same period of time, and significantly greater than the percent change, average
occupational wage increases for the total all occupations for the same time period.
Further, the labor market analyst (LMA) seeks confirmation of these OES national
and state indicators of upward pressure on occupational wages from the National
Compensation Surveys (NCS) for national and sub-state areas, regarding the same
occupation of analysis and time period. For small employment states, the LMA may
place greater emphasis in the analysis on OES and NCS wage data trends at the national
level, which have smaller relative standard errors (RSE) of the occupational wage
estimates and greater precision.
In addition, for those occupations with employment heavily concentrated in only
one or two industries, the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) is a
useful source of complementary information about increases in industry total wages
and average annual industry wage increases (i.e., total annual industry wages by
annual average industry employment) over time at the national, state, metropolitan,
and county levels. (Please see the
QCEW web pages.)