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Delaware Data for Career Pathway Planning
Career Cluster and PathwayMSHSHWHDEmployment
Change 2020-30
Growth 2020-30
Avg. Wage
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics 32,120  2,650           9.0%           $45,818  
Transportation Operations   23,680  2,100           8.9%           $43,478  
Occupations by Career Pathway: Transportation Operations
Occ NumberOccupationMSHSHWHDEmployment
Avg. Wage
53-6032Aircraft Service Attendants    40           N/A           N/A           43210 MNM  OOH
53-3011Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, Except Emergency Medical Technicians  80           20           22.2%           33600 MNM  OOH
53-3051Bus Drivers, School    1,320           N/A           N/A           40480 MNM  OOH
53-3052Bus Drivers, Transit and Intercity 460           30           7.5%           47420 MNM  OOH
53-5021Captains, Mates, and Pilots of Water Vessels 90           0           0.0%           85270 MNM  OOH
53-2012Commercial Pilots 230           10           3.4%           122330 MNM  OOH
43-5021Couriers and Messengers   290           -10           -1.9%           33060 MNM  OOH
53-3032Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 7,240           450           9.3%           52860 MNM  OOH
53-7051Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators  5,390           670           15.7%           48020 MNM  OOH
53-7062Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand   4,920           390           8.8%           37570 MNM  OOH
53-3033Light Truck Drivers   3,990           400           12.3%           42960 MNM  OOH
53-3099Motor Vehicle Operators, All Other   N/A           N/A           N/A           34560 MNM  OOH
53-7064Packers and Packagers, Hand   1,920           140           4.5%           30140 MNM  OOH
53-4031Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters   100           N/A           N/A           88860 MNM  OOH
53-5011Sailors and Marine Oilers   50           0           0.0%           43840 MNM  OOH
53-3053Shuttle Drivers and Chauffeurs    760           N/A           N/A           37310 MNM  OOH
53-6099Transportation Workers, All Other    N/A           N/A           N/A           28150 MNM  OOH
Mid-Atlantic States
Occupations by Career Pathway: Transportation Operations
Change 2020-30
Growth 2020-30
Avg. Wage
Aircraft Cargo Handling SupervisorsN/A           100  N/A           N/A  
Aircraft Service Attendants1,360      N/A           N/A           $44,114  
Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight EngineersN/A           -140  N/A           N/A  
Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, Except Emergency Medical Technicians1,370      220  10.5%           $30,794  
Bridge and Lock TendersN/A           -10  N/A           N/A  
Bus Drivers, School55,830      N/A           N/A           $44,172  
Bus Drivers, Transit and Intercity19,130      240  1.0%           $52,382  
Captains, Mates, and Pilots of Water Vessels4,230      210  6.0%           $92,527  
Commercial Pilots2,440      190  8.1%           $125,634  
Couriers and Messengers9,560      -670  -4.6%           $36,772  
First-Line Supervisors of Helpers, Laborers, and Material Movers, HandN/A           N/A           N/A           N/A  
First-Line Supervisors of Material-Moving Machine and Vehicle OperatorsN/A           N/A           N/A           N/A  
First-Line Supervisors of Transportation Workers, All OtherN/A           N/A           N/A           N/A  
Flight AttendantsN/A           2,550  N/A           N/A  
Gas Compressor and Gas Pumping Station OperatorsN/A           30  N/A           N/A  
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers215,400      19,070  8.6%           $54,751  
Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators92,940      11,520  14.9%           $44,240  
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand339,810      50,280  14.1%           $38,208  
Light Truck Drivers124,620      18,940  14.4%           $45,405  
Locomotive EngineersN/A           120  N/A           N/A  
Motor Vehicle Operators, All Other7,060      1,010  11.0%           $44,975  
Motorboat OperatorsN/A           20  N/A           N/A  
Packers and Packagers, Hand133,570      16,760  15.8%           $35,755  
Passenger AttendantsN/A           470  17.1%           N/A  
Pump Operators, Except Wellhead PumpersN/A           100  N/A           N/A  
Rail Transportation Workers, All OtherN/A           0  N/A           N/A  
Rail Yard Engineers, Dinkey Operators, and HostlersN/A           40  N/A           N/A  
Railroad Brake, Signal, and Switch Operators and Locomotive FirersN/A           10  N/A           N/A  
Railroad Conductors and YardmastersN/A           90  N/A           N/A  
Sailors and Marine Oilers4,180      160  4.3%           $52,585  
Ship EngineersN/A           50  N/A           N/A  
Shuttle Drivers and Chauffeurs31,410      N/A           N/A           $35,082  
Subway and Streetcar OperatorsN/A           120  N/A           N/A  
Tank Car, Truck, and Ship LoadersN/A           10  N/A           N/A  
Taxi DriversN/A           N/A           N/A           N/A  
Transportation Workers, All Other1,140      N/A           N/A           $43,233  
Wellhead PumpersN/A           0  N/A           N/A  

 • A blank numerical table cell indicates the data is not available.
 • Sources: Delaware Department of Labor and U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
 • Mid-Atlantic includes Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
 • MS, HS, HW and HD are abbreviations for Middle Skill, High Skill, High Wage and High Demand Occupations
 • MS & HS Cluster/Pathway: A Cluster/Pathway is designated as MS if, within the cluster/pathway, the percentage of MS occupations is at least thirty (30) percent
   of the total number of occupations reported for that cluster/pathway. The same process is used to determine HS clusters/pathways.
 • HW & HD Cluster/Pathway: A Cluster/Pathway is designated as HW if, within the cluster/pathway, the total employment for HW occupations is greater than the
   total employment for non-HW occupations. The same process is used to determine HD for clusters/pathways.