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Delaware Data for Career Pathway Planning

Employment data at the state and regional level play an important role in the approval of new Career Technical Education (CTE) programs. Such programs are more likely to be approved if there are sizeable projected job openings for occupations related to the educational program’s pathway and cluster. Another factor that supports program approval is a projected average wage for occupations in the pathway/cluster that is higher than the average wage for the state.

The federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 includes several references to High Skill, High Wage, or High Demand occupations. Not all high wage occupations require high skills (Bachelor’s degree or higher). In the next ten years nearly half of the job openings in the U.S. and Delaware will require middle-level skills.

The Delaware Department of Education, in collaboration with Delaware Department of Labor, developed definitions for "middle-skill, high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand" occupations as follows:

  • Middle Skill: Occupations requiring some type of post-secondary education (such as an apprenticeship, certification, or an Associate’s degree) but not a Bachelor’s degree; or High School education with some work experience or at least one month on-the-job training or credential attainment.

  • High Skill: Occupations requiring at least a Bachelor’s degree, or Associates’ Degree with either a required Residency/Internship or five years of experience.

  • High Wage: Occupations paying more than the Delaware all-industry statewide median wage ($49,280 in 2023).

  • High Demand: Occupations with at least 4 annual job openings due to growth in Delaware.

These designations of occupations help direct investment into educational programs that have the potential to be the most effective for student outcomes. Since program completers are likely to find employment in a wide range of related occupations under a career pathway or cluster, an attempt has been made to designate career pathways and clusters with the Middle Skill, High Skill, High Wage and High Demand designations. This framework provides the basis for linking program completion with cluster-wide job placement data to evaluate the effectiveness of CTE programs.

For more information, please contact the Delaware Department of Education by phone at 302.735.4015 or by email to Nicole Lawless at Nicole.Lawless@doe.k12.de.us.

U.S. and Mid-Atlantic States: Labor Market Summary Data
Change 2020-30
Growth 2020-30
Avg. Wage
United States151,853,870   11,879,900      7.7%      $65,470    
Delaware469,280   42,030      9.1%      $56,700    
District of Columbia701,840   97,750      12.9%      $106,230    
Maryland2,677,430   313,020      10.0%      $73,620    
New Jersey4,202,170   453,040      11.1%      $73,980    
Pennsylvania5,948,490   451,720      7.6%      $61,920    
Virginia3,981,130   402,150      10.0%      $70,050    
Delaware: Labor Market Summary Data by Career Clusters
Career ClusterMSHSHWHDEmployment
Change 2020-30
Growth 2020-30
Avg. Wage
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources  3,860       330           11.0%           $51,049    
Architecture & Construction  26,820       3,610           12.5%           $61,077    
Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications 2,170       50           1.2%           $55,235    
Business Management & Administration  76,760       50           0.5%           $79,231    
Education & Training  24,090       1,310           5.5%           $73,781    
Finance 25,950       580           2.6%           $80,704    
Government & Public Administration 6,000       370           7.1%           $68,811    
Health Science 47,020       7,370           16.5%           $83,640    
Hospitality & Tourism  59,010       9,590           20.0%           $39,496    
Human Services  12,930       2,150           14.7%           $51,038    
Information Technology  14,270       310           2.9%           $107,804    
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security  17,150       1,080           5.5%           $65,149    
Manufacturing  25,000       870           3.6%           $51,758    
Marketing 48,210       1,840           4.9%           $85,844    
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics  7,060       120           2.3%           $99,933    
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics  35,410       2,650           8.9%           $56,236    
Mid-Atlantic States: Labor Market Summary Data by Career Clusters
Career ClusterRegionEmployment
Change 2020-30
Growth 2020-30
Avg. Wage
Agriculture, Food & Natural ResourcesMid-Atlantic160,660 23,380     8.1%       $59,522 
Architecture & ConstructionMid-Atlantic997,150 100,470     8.7%       $63,562 
Arts, Audio/Video Technology & CommunicationsMid-Atlantic185,540 12,560     5.1%       $62,847 
Business Management & AdministrationMid-Atlantic3,575,220 98,560     3.2%       $82,311 
Education & TrainingMid-Atlantic1,036,790 108,490     10.9%       $86,933 
FinanceMid-Atlantic735,700 35,660     5.3%       $88,841 
Government & Public AdministrationMid-Atlantic164,160 8,520     5.2%       $77,166 
Health ScienceMid-Atlantic1,583,310 206,860     13.7%       $102,610 
Hospitality & TourismMid-Atlantic1,987,050 369,900     20.4%       $43,089 
Human ServicesMid-Atlantic519,430 106,850     17.2%       $58,448 
Information TechnologyMid-Atlantic623,640 34,400     9.7%       $111,834 
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & SecurityMid-Atlantic703,440 45,080     6.8%       $69,302 
ManufacturingMid-Atlantic984,110 68,270     6.7%       $53,826 
MarketingMid-Atlantic1,743,840 79,570     4.3%       $83,091 
Science, Technology, Engineering & MathematicsMid-Atlantic325,760 21,970     6.7%       $107,097 
Transportation, Distribution & LogisticsMid-Atlantic1,485,660 156,130     11.2%       $59,715 


United States: Labor Market Summary Data by Career Clusters
Career ClusterRegionEmployment
Change 2020-30
Growth 2020-30
Avg. Wage
Agriculture, Food & Natural ResourcesUnited States1,593,850 173,100     5.6%       $60,789 
Architecture & ConstructionUnited States9,369,950 611,200     5.9%       $60,067 
Arts, Audio/Video Technology & CommunicationsUnited States1,762,640 181,700     7.8%       $65,727 
Business Management & AdministrationUnited States28,347,620 132,900     0.5%       $77,842 
Education & TrainingUnited States8,397,240 897,900     10.6%       $84,909 
FinanceUnited States5,972,350 183,500     3.3%       $85,839 
Government & Public AdministrationUnited States1,351,220 62,300     5.0%       $71,815 
Health ScienceUnited States13,396,340 1,486,400     12.5%       $133,273 
Hospitality & TourismUnited States18,446,170 2,940,000     17.1%       $48,122 
Human ServicesUnited States4,020,850 730,900     14.5%       $57,617 
Information TechnologyUnited States4,332,460 171,500     7.5%       $108,683 
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & SecurityUnited States5,329,210 359,500     7.4%       $69,822 
ManufacturingUnited States10,268,430 350,000     3.4%       $53,187 
MarketingUnited States15,479,670 89,700     0.6%       $80,980 
Science, Technology, Engineering & MathematicsUnited States2,383,480 170,300     7.6%       $109,232 
Transportation, Distribution & LogisticsUnited States12,463,100 862,100     7.6%       $62,338 


 • A blank numerical table cell indicates the data is not available.
 • Sources: Delaware Department of Labor and U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
 • Mid-Atlantic includes Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
 • MS, HS, HW and HD are abbreviations for Middle Skill, High Skill, High Wage and High Demand Occupations
 • MS & HS Cluster/Pathway: A Cluster/Pathway is designated as MS if, within the cluster/pathway, the percentage of MS occupations is at least thirty (30) percent
   of the total number of occupations reported for that cluster/pathway. The same process is used to determine HS clusters/pathways.
 • HW & HD Cluster/Pathway: A Cluster/Pathway is designated as HW if, within the cluster/pathway, the total employment for HW occupations is greater than the
   total employment for non-HW occupations. The same process is used to determine HD for clusters/pathways.